Follow this link to find out who your OR state legislators are.
Once you know who they are, then you can contact them to share with them your concern and oppostition to this bill.
suggestions for method of contact are:
write a letter (the old fashioned way)
a phone call with a 1-2 min script
ask for a personal mtg in Salem to talk to your rep in person
show up in Salem and talk to whomever is avail to listen to your concerns
(phone calls and in person- you might not be granted more than a minute or two of their time, literally. be sure to have a write up completed ahead of time that includes more details of your opposition and concerns and your personal experiences with adoption in OR. you can send this ahead of time or hand it to them to leave behind after your visit.)
**It will be most effective if you can do every one of these things. If adoption is important to you and preserving the birth parents' right to CHOICE in adoption is important to you, than we know you won't hesitate with taking extreme action immediately! **
The more individual voices that legislators hear, the better! If there is more than one adult in your home, please be sure to contact the representatives as individiuals and not as a couple/family.
Also feel free to share your concerns with the House Human Services Committee members.